This book chapter weaves together a fictionalized dialogue between my two mothers respecting the impacts colonial policies had on Indigenous communities in Canada.

The 1876 Indian Act has long imposed its power over Indigenous peoples in Canada; social welfare policies—the “sixties-scoop” era—were entrenched in BC and had far reaching impacts on Indigenous families. The “millennium scoop” has been coined to reflect more recent policies affecting Indigenous families. These policies had a firm grasp on me, my birth siblings, and my birth mother. I was four days old when I was ushered into the lives of my foster family in Prince George, BC. What was originally meant to be a temporary stop in my young life turned into a permanent state of affairs. Perhaps the Gods were looking out for the little Indian baby that day, for life at my new residence was good, and I thrived in a loving home. As a mature woman and mother who has a deep interest in family structure and bonds, I believe it is time to reflect a little deeper on what it means to be an adopted “Indian baby” in Canada and to comment upon my two mothers, one mother who raised me, and one mother—I never met—who gave me life.

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